The O stands for: dot. A text work -in Dutch- on paper and in audio waves.
paper dimensions: circumference: over 12 meters, hight: 5 meters and approximately 200 meters of grid paper was used.
The Grid is the oldest instrument for bringing order.
The watchmaker made the first prosthetic hand for the girl who lost her hand in a paper factory in Apeldoorn.
The predecessor of the widely used Times New Roman is the 17th-century Romain de Roi, a typeface created using circles. An invention that went missing and, 125 years after it was reinvented, turned out to have been on paper for 266 years.
These and many other seemingly unrelated stories are brought together by me in The O stands for: dot, a paper installation and audio work.
The texts have been excavated from various archives, including those of CODA.
I found this grid paper in the archive of the anonymous scientist (A.S.). A.S. researched natural and unnatural geometric shapes and was specialized in contradictory truths. Before A.S.’ magnum opus could be published, A.S. suddenly died. A.S. donated the life’s work to the visual art world. Since 2018, I have been making works based on this archive.
During the exhibition, the audio section will be constantly expanded see below or scan the QR code in CODA museum.
Like A.S.’s life’s work, this work is as yet unfinished.
On view in CODA museum, from June 11 till November 12, 2023.
expanded audio #00.00
expanded audio #00.01
expanded audio #01.00
expanded audio #02.00