The Imperfect Infinite Circle

During a residency at EKWC I started the Imperfect Infinite Circle, currently made of 98 pieces with phosphorescent glaze, forever unfinished.

If clay were a language, I would be an analphabetic. In preparation of my EKWC residency I learned Hittite, an extinct language written in cuneiform script on clay tablets. In this light, it only made sense for me to use the Pollard script, an alphabet developed for the illiterate, to decorate the tiles. The script has been part of the previous work MINE too.
The mosaics don’t communicate a specific message; the signs and tiles form an endless pattern of repetition and difference. Coppens made the signs mixing fluorescent pigments with Egyptian paste, a self-glazing mass fired at low temperatures.

the wet and unglazed Imperfect Infinite Circle.
Glazing the infinite