In 2016 and 2017 I have organized seven Healing Heptagons in total for the healing cult Blue Creates the Open Space, I started in 2014. The cult’s symbol is a blue heptagon, in this blue (healing) heptagon everything takes place. Each Healing Heptagon has it’s own Healing Hymn. The texts of the Healing Hymns are derived from a taped meeting at my grandmother’s cult. The music was made i.c.w. Thes Lowc Lock.
For each session I’ve made visual works, costumes, jewellery and a riso printed publication with the performance script, most of it directly for sale after the session. People bought the objects but the objects were handed over to them after a ceremony in the forthcoming session.
Each Healing Heptagon I gave a one-illustration lesson. Those lessons and illustrations were based on the illustrations in the publication ‘is life meaningful?’ (heeft het leven zin?) by Ir. Dunnewolt. The lessons were supposed to not make too much sense. Much of the language was deliberately lost in translation. Apart from being absurdist and funny, I also used it as a sales trick. All lessons are represented in the seven publications the Healing Heptagon participants were told they could buy the publication if the material was too hard for them to understand at once.
Maria Goeppert-Mayer’s hands are used to show a technique of how to draw a heptagon.
Goeppert-Mayer is a Nobel laureate in Physics for proposing the nuclear shell model of the atomic nucleus. She was the second female Nobel laureate in physics. Before her shell model the atom was considered the smallest element in the universe. Goeppert-Mayer used what she called magical numbers to predict her shell theory.
For more digital Blue Creates the Open Space please visit
At the end of each Healing Heptagon the participants should show how much their health is worth to them (in showing the money).
For further reading on Blue Creates the Open Space:
Najiba Brakkee visited the Healing Heptagon pop-up shop in 2018
Richtje Reinsma interviews Pavèl van Houten in Mister Motley in 2017
Shopping Blue Creates the Open Space: visit my webshop
Please note you don’t have to be ill to be healed.
Your Healing will profit from a gift to Blue Creates the Open Space. We can’t be held responsible for your Healing if you decide not to donate.