In 2018 the Healing Heptagon pop-up shop with a 700% healing guarantee arose in various city centres. To enable the Healing products to be purchased by even more people.
The Healing Heptagon pop-up shop is part of the cult Blue Creates the Open Space.
A quick impression of the Healing Heptagon pop-up shop in Arti et Amicitiae’s ORAKEL in 2018:
Blue Creates the Open Space is a healing cult roughly modelled after rules of the Christian cult my grandmother is part of since the mid-nineties. The BCtOS-core themes are: the colour blue, (the aesthetics of) needlework, the number seven, humour, learning and singing together. BCtOS however is not a judgemental meta-project, but an open way of understanding interdependence and power. When I got ill myself I decided to organise Healing Heptagons, to heal myself and others.
The cult’s symbol is a blue heptagon, in this blue (healing) heptagon everything takes place.
If you need instant healing we advise you to directly visit Blue Creates the Open Space
If you would like to healing products, please visit the shop.
More Blue:
The Healing Heptagon pop-up shop during ORAKEL in Arti et Amicitae, 2018
Najiba Brakkee visited the Healing Heptagon pop-up shop in 2018
Richtje Reinsma interviews Pavèl van Houten about Blue Creates the Open Space in Mister Motley in 2017